The "Dark Magic Delight with Kuromi Cake" is a spellbinding creation that fuses the mysterious allure of dark magic with the whimsical charm of Kuromi. This enchanting confection features intricate details inspired by Kuromi's character, creating a visually stunning and delectable centerpiece for any occasion. Each slice offers a decadent journey through layers of rich flavor, making it a perfect choice for those who seek a delightful and magical dessert experience. Embrace the darker side of sweetness with this bewitching treat that brings a touch of Kuromi's rebellious elegance to your celebration.
*Picture shown is a 5"(W) x 4"(H) cake
**Decoration items are subject to while stocks last. In case of out of stock, we will replace the decoration items with something else that
***Kindly whatsapp us at 016-4007280 to communicate on the cake design if you would like to have it change.
****Please allow 7 days advance-order. We have the right to reject and refund orders in case of insufficient lead time.